Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Second Great Phyrexian Crusade

     All right, all right, all right!  You can hear a little bit about this deck finally.  Essentially it's a monoblack control deck that splashes green to fully utilize deathrite shaman, and to use nature's claim.  Nature's claim is especially good here since half of the time we win with infect.  We have lots of discard and removal, and Liliana of the Veil is always a beating in decks like this.  Some decks use howltooth hollow, but after much testing I've determined that it is worthless without high cmc spells to cheat into play, the coming into play tapped clause hurts us too much early on.

More Phyrexian Crusade

Not much to say, here's another video son!

Modern - Phyrexian Crusade

This is a deck that should definitely be played more!  Or not, because then people won't not exactly how to play against it.

Anywho, you'll see what it does in the video.

Cube Draft #2

This video is blocked is some countries, because it's too intense for them to handle!  Enjoy!

Cube Draft Single Elimination

Cube draft on mtgo from a bit ago, tons of fun!

Interesting Video

Chinese Magic counterfeit cards!

Pauper Daily - Fling Atog #2

Basically the same deal as the last pauper video.

Problems with Youtube...

For some reason, whenever I try to access the video manager on my account, I get an error and it simply won't let me get to it.  As soon as I get this resolved I'll start posting more videos.

Pauper Daily - Fling Atog

Fling Atog is one of my favorite pauper decks. Sometimes it just wins without needing fling at all, but in the most dire of situations it can pull a win out of nowhere with a giant Atog being flunk straight to the dome. Check out a tournament I played with it back when Pauper had daily events here.